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Saturday, April 08, 2006

Who am I?

my self poem

I was a bit of clay... ugly and unrefined...

I was hardened and rough... dirty and useless...

Then one night, the Potter looked at me and smiled...

"I shall break you...mold you and make you into

a wonderful jar... You shall become a beautiful clay jar..

You shall hold and contain my treasure... my gift...

let anyone who is willing take part in it and be blessed..."

I was a simple sound… nothing much to hear…

Just a noise in the background… a hollow echo...

Then one night, the Composer and Conductor of the Universe

Listened to me and said…

“I shall compose you into a song…

People will listen and hear… The melody of your voice is my

Instrument to let them know of my treasure… my gift…

With your voice you will testify…

With your voice you will glorify the King of Kings...”

I was piece of paper… blank and empty…

I was plain and nothing special…

Then one night, the Author saw me.

He lifted His pen and started to write on me…

“I shall write you into a beautiful story…

In it are small and great things…

They will tales of wonders… some sad… some happy…

With these tales you will glorify…

They shall testify the grace and love of thy King…”

I was lost but now I am found.

I was blind but now I see.

I was deaf but now I hear.

I was mute but now I speak.

God found me and now I am His.

He changed me inside out.

He gave me a new life… a new me…

The old has gone, the new has come.

I am a Christian, a child of God…

I am simply myself… I cannot deny that.

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Simply Mawself =<^-^>= | TNB